注意:ofbiz-containers.xml 文件中的https节点port必须与port.https的端口一致
# HTTPS Port (Secure port)
port.https.enabled=Y port.https=8443 force.https.host= # HTTP Port (Not Secure port) port.http=8080 force.http.host= # Static Content URLs to make it easy to move the serving load for static content to other machines # -- thse are for general content such as images, js & css files, or non-dynamic HTML files content.url.prefix.secure= content.url.prefix.standard= # Here you can set the domain string to use for new cookies cookie.domain= # Exclude jsessionid for User-Agents (separated by comma's) link.remove_lsessionid.user_agent_list = googlebot,yahoo,msnbot # Should HTTP parameters sent to services reuire encryption? service.http.parameters.require.encrypted=Y